#digital landscape

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The New Yorker
1 month ago

The New Generation of Online Culture Curators

In the current digital landscape, human guides or curators are essential for navigating the overwhelming amount of online content. [ more ]
1 month ago

How brands are future-proofing their TikTok and social strategies

Brands are not leaving TikTok despite potential ban; see it as a chance to review social strategy and diversify media mix. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

Forget the FOMO, e-commerce isn't an 'all or nothing' challenge for brands

Despite the emergence of new platforms and technologies, a pragmatic and nuanced approach is needed for the evolution of the e-commerce landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Winners and Losers of a TikTok Ban

The possibility of a U.S. government ban on TikTok will have profound implications on various stakeholders in the digital landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

Council Post: Mastering Modern Marketing: Strategies For Today's Business Landscape

Effective marketing strategies are crucial for business growth and brand awareness in today's digital landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

DoubleVerify Expands AI-Powered Brand Safety & Suitability Capabilities for TikTok Advertisers

Advertisers can utilize 16 new brand safety and suitability categories on TikTok's Inventory Filters for precise alignment with suitable content. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

The New Generation of Online Culture Curators

In the current digital landscape, human guides or curators are essential for navigating the overwhelming amount of online content. [ more ]
1 month ago

How brands are future-proofing their TikTok and social strategies

Brands are not leaving TikTok despite potential ban; see it as a chance to review social strategy and diversify media mix. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

Forget the FOMO, e-commerce isn't an 'all or nothing' challenge for brands

Despite the emergence of new platforms and technologies, a pragmatic and nuanced approach is needed for the evolution of the e-commerce landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Winners and Losers of a TikTok Ban

The possibility of a U.S. government ban on TikTok will have profound implications on various stakeholders in the digital landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

Council Post: Mastering Modern Marketing: Strategies For Today's Business Landscape

Effective marketing strategies are crucial for business growth and brand awareness in today's digital landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago

DoubleVerify Expands AI-Powered Brand Safety & Suitability Capabilities for TikTok Advertisers

Advertisers can utilize 16 new brand safety and suitability categories on TikTok's Inventory Filters for precise alignment with suitable content. [ more ]
5 months ago
Growth hacking

Council Post: Unleashing A Strategic Sales System: How To Transform Your Business

Businesses are increasingly using social media and AI to boost their growth, but without a systematic approach, results can be mediocre.
A well-structured sales system, like LinkedIn, can revolutionize a business's trajectory in the digital landscape. [ more ]
5 months ago

Council Post: Unleashing A Strategic Sales System: How To Transform Your Business

Businesses are increasingly using social media and AI to boost their growth, but without a systematic approach, results can be mediocre.
A well-structured sales system, like LinkedIn, can revolutionize a business's trajectory in the digital landscape. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The age of UX may be passing and the era of Content Design is emerging.
The digital landscape is transforming with technological advancements and user expectations.
A content-first approach is becoming more prominent in shaping user experiences. [ more ]
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